For doctors
“The family-friendly hours are one of the most important reasons as to why doctors choose occupational medicine. Thanks to the high level of demand for specialists in occupational medicine, doctors can benefit from attractive career opportunities with excellent potential earnings.”
Manuela Brawand, recruiter at docatwork.
Occupational medicine offers great opportunities and challenges for doctors outside of clinics and practices.
A large percentage of today’s occupational physicians are over 65 years old. Due to the emerging lack of company doctors, there are already concerns about where the next generation will come from. Besides five years of extra training to become a specialist in occupational medicine, there are additional qualifications in occupational medicine for specialists from other areas. As occupational medicine experts, company doctors take care of the health and performance of the employees. In Germany, their work is governed by occupational health and safety law (Arbeitsschutzgesetz [ArbSchG] und Arbeitssicherheitsgesetz [ASiG]) and statutory accident insurance regulations (DGUV Regulation 2). They give impartial advice to employees concerning everything to do with health, and are bound by medical confidentiality. They develop preventative measures, including ones for accident prevention and combatting physical or mental illnesses.
We will support you in your personal situation and assist you in your individual application and career process. We can also offer you interesting and lucrative positions. In our free career consultations, we can advise you personally or over the telephone. Additionally, we can offer you extensive application advice and coaching. Candidates who want to learn more about their working behaviour and performance, as well as their professional motivation, can use our individual potential analysis tool.
If you are planning a career change or are interested in qualifying as a specialist in occupational medicine, then please get in contact with us. The prerequisite for extra training is a licence to practise medicine as well as two years’ experience in internal medicine or general practice.
For more information on what the role of an occupational doctor entails, please see the job description issued by Verband Deutscher Betriebs- und Werksärzte e.V. (German Association of Occupational Doctors, VDBW): PDF